Husbands Admire Wives Who Keep Their Stockings Perfect
Dimensions: 100 x 20 x 20 cm Blown, hot-sculpted, cold-worked, sand-carved and cold constructed glass
Nothing Draws A Man To A Woman Like...
Dimensions: 120mm x 80mm x 150mm Blown, hot-sculpted, cold-worked, sand-carved and cold constructed glass with chain mail
You Smooth It On And Suddenly Love Is Just A Kiss Away
Dimensions: 90 x 80 x 6 cm Blown, hot-sculpted, cold-worked, sand carved and cold constructed glass with satin string
His Eyes Don't Stray To Other faces Since I Took My Beauty Expert's Advice
Dimensions: 9 x 7 x 5 cm Blown, hot - sculpted, cold-worked, sand-carved and cold constructed glass, sheet glass and brass
Men Are Especially Sensitive To The Little Deficiencies In A Woman's Appearance I
Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 2 cm Hot sculpted, cold-worked, sand-carved glass, sheet glass, mirror, stainless steel blade and brass.
Men Are Especially Sensitive to the Little Deficiencies in A Woman's Appearance II
Dimensions: 9.5cm x 6cm x 2cm Hot-sculpted, cold-worked, sand-carved glass, sheet glass, mirror, stainless steel blade and brass.
The Colour of Magnetism
Dimensions: 12 x 5 x 5 cm Blown, hot-sculpted, cold worked and cold constructed glass Featured on RTE's Craft Master
Floral Dagger
Dimensions: 18cm x 5cm x 5cm Blown, hot-sculpted, cold-worked, sand-carved and cold constructed glass Sculpture in Context 2012
This body of work has evolved through my research of how women’s positions in Western society have been constructed through concepts of female empowerment, liberation and objectification, with a focus on the influence of the media. I am exploring these concepts by investigating both written historical texts and visual imagery with particular attention to ideas of seduction through cosmetics and traditional mores of femininity and how they have impacted a woman’s sense of personal power. In order to contextualise these ideas in my work I have collected iconography, symbolism and text materials that denote specific male and female roles within Western Society. This material has been utilised by amalgamating or juxtaposing the male and female elements to become metaphor for equalising male and female implements of empowerment while at the same time embodying elements of femininity and seduction through the use of surface treatments and colour. A humorous quality is also intended with the contradictory subject matter and texts.